Maybe this sounds familiar?

→ I have been in this role for a while, but I haven’t been able to attain the outcomes I was hoping for. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Why am I not successful at this yet?

→ I’ve had some ideas about improving processes and practices at work, but I get anxious. What if I share my ideas with others and they respond poorly, or I get pushback? Will I regret continuing to play it safe?

→ I have always focused on building my skills and mastering my craft, but now I spend so much time managing people and projects! Where do I even start to learn how to lead and manage better?

→ There are always new fires to put out and I’m in a rut! I am buried in administrative and other demands and don’t even remember when I felt like I was moving the needle on something more significant or creative. How do I find the time to get back to my unique strengths?

If so, welcome; you're in the right place!

It's perfectly normal to experience the desire to be more impactful at various stages of your career.

In fact, exploring barriers and opportunities with an outsider who can provide fresh perspectives can be incredibly valuable.

As a business school professor and coach with a background in counseling, I've helped hundreds of professionals tap into their potential and reach their aims in record time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why work with a coach?

✔️ You lead in a dynamic environment. People and projects demand change, and you, too, must evolve to thrive and grow.

✔️ With a growth mindset, honest, direct, and objective feedback can help us make changes and avoid getting stuck in a rut.

✔️ Reporting to others, managing a team, and coordinating across the organization requires interpersonal and teaming skills. Fine-tuning these skills will differentiate you from the rest.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.